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When Did Food Become So Complicated?

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

Food is essential for life, but society, in part, has made it so much more. On one hand, food can bring us together. Enjoying a Sunday supper with your family is to be treasured. A dinner night out with the girls provides a much-needed refresher for many of us. Yet, food is not just about nourishment or socialization. Food has become trendy and is often labeled by some as “good” or “bad”. Food has also become linked to how we see ourselves and our body image. Food brings delight, and food brings fear.

While there is nothing simple about our biology or the science of nutrition, there are some simple principles that one should remember. Food is necessary. It serves as the energy source for our body; without it, we would die. For centuries, food has been enjoyed, but for many, it was far less plentiful than it is now. Food on the table often meant growing one’s own food- and this is no simple task. I like to think our ancestors appreciated food because it was often scarce, and they ate what they had.

Today, we have so many choices, and yes, some are healthier than others. Nevertheless, food is essential, and it is also a source of pleasure. How do we balance these two realities? In truth, it is not that easy, but we can learn to appreciate the joys of food while recognizing how it impacts our health. The key is balance- a theme I repeat often. We can and should gives ourselves permission to enjoy food. When we have too many restrictions, we find ourselves wanting it more (remember your teenage years). Yet, we must recognize we also have a personal responsibility to make healthy choices.

So yes, you may eat the dessert, but ask yourself if you need it every day. If so, are there healthier dessert options from which you can choose? So what if you ate too much at Thanksgiving; one meal or one day does not define us. We have choices- perhaps too many- but you can choose to balance your food intake to bring you both pleasure and health. Truly, all foods can fit into a healthy diet. As a dietitian, I can help you learn those skills needed to make food a little less complicated.

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